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Period Poverty

Brand Opportunity Report on OutsideIn

This report looked at fashion brand OutsideIn and the opportunity for them to collaborate with Bloody Good Period and Always, to fight against period poverty.

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Is Fast-Fashion Anti-Feminist?

Closing the consumer value-action gap with Sustainability and Feminism

This final project aimed to find a way to close the value-action gap for Gen Z consumers. Research found that once consumers were educated on what true sustainability meant and the truth on how women are treated in fast fashion supply chains; their purchasing behaviour changed to align with their feminist and sustainable values.


What the heck is IE?

Intersectional Environmentalism

I was asked to write a blog post for a small brand called Purpose Collaborative, I decided to write it on Intersectional Environmentalism.
Start of the blog;
Before we dive into what intersectional environmentalism is, let’s look at environmentalism and sustainability as a whole. My personal view is that these words have been used so much in a certain sphere that people have stereotypes when it comes to sustainable living. Instantly, expensive living comes to mind...immediately creating a barrier to those who live in poverty...

conscious consumer second hand

Second Hand Market

Market Level report

A report on the growth of the second hand market and what the key drivers are, including the limitations of the market globally.

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